Hi, my name is Joseph
I'm a Software Engineer with a passion for tackling challenging problems and improving lives.

Hi there, thanks for stopping by! My name is Joseph Kim and I'm currently a Software Engineer and Educator in the field of Machine Learning / AI. Here's a bit about my journey so far.

Ever since I could remember, I always enjoyed math. In elementary school I ended up winning a math competition without any training, and then earned a perfect score on the SAT Math section. Not really knowing what I wanted to study after high school, I eventually chose to major in mathematics at Penn State University.

After my graduation, I came to California to visit my family for a vacation, but ended up staying here ever since. I fell in love with the weather and also felt that if I wanted to succeed in something, this was the place to do it. It was here that I embarked on a journey into programming, challenging myself to make 30 coding projects in 30 days in order to get a job in the field. This project led me to join Codecademy, where I taught students all over the world about programming concepts as a coach, and authored content on the platform.

Following my time with Codecademy, I thought it was time to challenge myself to become a Software Engineer. I was fortunate to get into Google, where I learned a lot about software development within a short period of time. During my time there, I also gained a strong interest in Machine Learning and AI, which I felt would allow me to apply my background in mathematics with my experience in programming. At Google, I worked on a project related to ML model migrations, attended paper readings, and received one-on-one monthly mentorship from a Staff Machine Learning Software Engineer. Eager to expand my knowledge further, I continued to study on my own and work on several personal projects.

After Google, I took some personal time to travel and spend time with family while still continuing to study Machine Learning. This brings me now to the present, where I am currently working as an AI trainer to help train large language models, and as a mentor and tester for DeepLearning.AI. I'm interested in eventually getting a role that is in Software Engineering in the field of ML/AI.

Outside of work, I enjoy reading, running, exercising, cooking, and learning new things.
DDPM in PyTorch
Python CNN PyTorch
Implementation of diffusion probabilistic model for image generation.
U-Net implementation
Python CNN PyTorch
Implementation of U-Net architecture in PyTorch.
Neural Style Transfer
Neural Style Transfer
Python CNN
Utilized pre-trained VGG-19 model to generate images that combine content and style of two images.
Tweet Sentiment Analysis
Tweet Sentiment Analysis
Python NLP Transformer
Tweet sentiment classification using a Transformer-based encoder and a pre-trained BERT model.
Review Multi-Label Classification
Review Multi-Label Classification
Python NLP Transformer
Multi-label classification model for predicting both sentiment and grouping of a given text.
DCGAN Anime Faces
DCGAN Anime Face Generator
Python CNN GAN
Deep Convolutional GAN model architecture for generating anime faces.
Sudoku Solver
Sudoku Solver
ReactJS JavaScript HTML CSS
React application for solving Sudoku grids using either brute force or the dancing links algorithm.
Super PolySpawn Wars
Super PolySpawn Wars
Unity C#
Space Shooter game created with Unity and C#. A throwback to classic arcade-style space shooters.
A Bright World
A Bright World
JavaScript HTML CSS
An incremental browser game where you buy and upgrade different building types to gain resources.
Productivity Helper
Productivity Helper
An application created with Django that helps you keep track of your tasks and long-term goals.
For more details about my background and experience please check out my resume. I'm always open to new opportunities, ideas, or even just to chat. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or shoot me an email.